Since it's been a month since our last post I thought that we'd update ya'll on what's going on with us....NOTHIN! that was fast, but I'm guessing you want some details.
Jeremy is doing a lot of the same... work. He's been covering a lot lately for other deputies that have taken time off so he has more than enough work to do. I am glad I have a husband who is willing to do some hard work. I have even been able to tell that Jeremy is excited for the baby. (Anyone that knows Jer knows that he doesn't show his emotions a lot.) He's been painting lots, doing research on what is safe for our baby, and I even made him go to Babies'R'Us and register for baby showers.
I am very excited and a bit scared for the baby to come. I went to a docs appointment this week and my doc told me that as long as I get to the week of Christmas, I can have the baby whenever he's ready. thanks. I want to wait until at least January, preferably mid to late January. (I know, I say that now...) I will be 32 weeks along tomorrow; and as of today we have 57 days till the due date. I have finally started showing enough that I am getting patients at work asking if I'm pregnant. They always look shocked when I tell them that I am 8 months along. Most people will say that I look like I'm 5-6 months, but that is changing quickly as I seem to be getting bigger by the second. Oh, and don't bother asking, we still haven't chosen a name. I have one last final to take this semester and I will be done. YAY!
Jewsbury is getting bigger, at least in his body. He still likes to chew on everything. A few weeks ago I think he was having some problems breathing so he decided to try to use my Albuterol inhaler I left on the table. (I know stupid me) He ended up puncturing a hole in the canister and releasing the entire thing of medication. We don't know exactly when he did this, but when Jer came home (yeah he beat me home) he noticed that the puppy wasn't acting like himself. He felt his heart and it was beating like mad. So Jer took him to a pet ER and they did some tests and said that he would be ok. We were able to take him home that night. It took him a few days to return to "normal" but I've noticed that he seems to be more calm. He's still the crazy puppy he was before, except he doesn't jump up on "strangers" as much anymore. I bet ya'll can imagine how bad I feel for leaving my medication out, but I'm glad he's doing better.
So that's about it with us. Hope ya'll have a happy holiday season!
Over the weekend of October 25th RSL went to Colorado to play the Rapids in a game that would decide who will go to the playoffs. Amanda and I decided to use some of our timeshare points and get some airline tickets, hotel, and rental car. Since neither of us have spent much time in Denver we decided to go Friday night and come home Sunday night so we could tour a little. As we were finalizing our plans one of my co-workers, Bobby, mentioned he had a lot of friends in the hotel industry and he might be able to get us a better deal. The Renaissance is advertised as the home of the Rapids, which is part of the Marriott chain, so Bobby was able to score us the friends and family discount, $69 a night. As we got to our hotel and checked in we looked at the all glass elevator and who did we see?? None other than Tino Nunez; that's right Tino Nunez, a player for RSL. We found out that we stayed on the floor right beneath the team.
The game was scheduled for Saturday night so we had a whole day to waste. Before we left the hotel for the day we looked at their brochures and saw one for Hammonds candy factory and one for the Denver aquarium that sounded fun. At the candy factory we learned how to make candy and got to sample different pieces throughout the tour. I think Amanda found her new favorite type "horehound" j/k yuck! Here is a picture of my beautiful wife. She either ate too much candy or is pregnant???
We next decided to go the the Denver aquarium. Due to the time of year they had a Halloween kids fair. We saw everything from cute princesses to little scary monsters. I had heard the aquarium was good, but I didn't expect it to be as amazing as it ended up being. I thought it was the best inland aquarium I have ever been to. Here are a few picts. A Few of Nemo's Friends
Me feeding a sting ray
Now we get to the game. Ticket prices at Dick's Sporting Goods Park are so inexpensive compared to Rio Tinto. We ordered tickets just off the mid line, 7th row, right behind our players bench for like $35 a ticket. As the players were warming up I would cheer their names and they would give me a wave or a sign they heard me:) As the game started the Rapids came out strong and got a goal in the 3rd. Luckily they were called offsides. About 10 minutes later the Rapids strike again, this time they are not called off. For about 76 minutes the Rapids controlled the pace, when all of a sudden the ball finds its way to Williams feet, he shoots its blocked, and Movsisyan puts it in. With seconds left in regular time we tie the game which is all we need to do to advance. Here are a couple of shots of the game.
We brought the house down
After the game we went back to the hotel and partied with the team. We filled up the front lobby with people till about 2 am.
Sunday we decided to sleep in and go to the reserve game. It was a fairly interesting game. One the Rapids fans reminded me of Rosie O'donnell. She was loud, overweight, and annoying. She kept yapping her big mouth and talked so much trash. Despite her enthusiasm RSL reserves won.
After the game we went to lunch at Casa Bonita. Casa Bonita is the restaurant that the Mayan stole their theme from. They have a waterfall and people who dive from it into a pool. They do more then just diving, they also do little skits like pirate fights or a Tarzan type skit. They also have mariachi that come around. The food was mediocre at best and the entertainment wasn't much better.
Our trip went well, we had a blast, RSL won, and we made it home safe.
At the RSL game on Thursday they played their home opener in Rio Tinto stadium. There was lots of news cameras going around interviewing people, and I got on the news. They interviewed me for like 3 minutes but only 1 of my quotes actually made it. Here is the clip on the stadium. Look for me, I'm the sexy one with my new glasses. http://http//
I think that this picture makes me look bigger than I am and Jeremy agrees... it's probably the too big scrubs I'm wearing
Last Saturday Amanda and I threw Brady & Amanda Flamm a welcome home party. We did some BBQ, had a potluck, played some Rock Band, and enjoyed some conversation. I apparently didn't charge my camera, so we only got 2 shots. It was a fun night but very stressful. To start the stress, I kept procrastinating on sending out the invitations until Tuesday the 23rd, only 4 days before the big night.
Amanda and I decided to cook some Rancheira Completa. It is a meat you get from a Mexican market that Eric Larsen cooks (very delicious). Since you get it from a Mexican Market I thought I would ask a girl from my work, who is part Mexican, where the best place to buy the meat would be. So Saturday afternoon I go out looking for the market she suggested but I cant find it. After about 20 minutes of driving I finally found it. I go through the market, back to the deli, and nobody speaks a lick of English. I tried to ask for the meat but the dude just looked at me funny. Luckily I had the name of the meat on my phone and so I showed it to him.
I got home from buying my meat and some drinks for the party, and our house was a complete mess. Jewsbury must have been watching Dora, because he decided to go exploring in our house, went into our computer room, and found Amanda's medical supplies for nursing school. When I got home they were scattered everywhere. Things were torn up, chewed up, an spit up. We weren't planning on having the party at our house but I didn't know if people would want to stop by after. So I hurried and cleaned up to the best of my ability with such time constraints.
Amanda picked up some extra hours up at the U registering people for a prenatal clinic and got home at like 5. The party started at 6 and we needed to make some chimi churi(?? on the spelling). It is some spices mixed with vinegar and oil that makes the meat taste better. So right about 5:50 we start heading over to our clubhouse. When we arrive we notice that the TV is missing. As most of you know we are big RSL and U of U football fans. The U has a game that starts at 6 and we don't want to miss it; even worse we don't want those party goers who wanted to see the game miss it. So I run home and get a TV out of our bedroom and bring it back only to find out that the clubhouse doesn't get any reception.
It is about 7 and the meat has been cooking for about an hour, when we realize we need some stuff from our house, (filtered water for those who don't want soda, salad tongs, some entertainment). I decided to grab Rock Band, a for sure party favorite, but earlier that day Jewsbury chewed on my spare XBOX cables that were sitting out, and my bedroom TV doesn't take HDMI. Luckily I have some VGA ones hooked to my PC monitor. After about 10 minutes of fighting trying to get them off they finally budge. I'm not sure how long I left the meat unattended, but I am very scared that the meat is probably burning, or even worse on fire, because it feels like it took me an eternity. When I get back It is starting to get dark outside and I cut the meat to see if its done, and as I fear it looks close to well done :( So I cut the meat up and bring it in. As soon as I get inside the meat magically turns rare ?WTF? don't ask me how, so everyone who was excited about dinner being ready has to again wait, luckily everyone is conversing. About 15-20 minutes later I take off the meat because it looks even darker then before, but it was a little to rare for my liking, but still good. From there on things were good. I put on Nemo for Millie, then when we finished eating Rock Band began. It was an awesome party, it appeared that everyone had fun:) especially Millie. She started playing the drums and it was the cutest thing ever.
When we were all done and on our way home Brady called to thank us and to let us know Millie said she had fun at the party, but was sad that the mean guy ate all the cupcakes.
Amanda got an ultrasound on Monday the 8th and we found out that Amanda's intuition was correct and Becks is a boy. I wasn't quite as connected as Amanda I guess. I originally thought it was a girl, then Amanda convinced me it was a boy, then on Saturday or Sunday night I had a dream that I was holding a girl.
I think overall I'm happy to have a boy first. He can protect and look out for his younger sister (one day). I will be able to have fun teaching him sports, video games, do sweet hairstyles like a mullet or fauxhawk, or some colors like when I was a younger, and how to be a man. (ok, full size adult child is more like it). I hope I can be half the father that mine has been to me. I hope I can teach Becks a few things about life and be there for him.
here is some Pict's of him. Becks Profile
Becks junk
"put your dukes up"
I got this in an email from my brother, and I know you will enjoy.
Do you ever feel like you're in a soap opera because everything seems to be going wrong or changing at the same time?
Well, my life continues to keep changing. For those of you who have a good eye, you may have noticed I deleted the countdown till I'm done with nursing school. Well, because of a few miscommunications and an on going battle, I am not returning to nursing school this semester. I guess I had to take a math class, but this was not communicated well. I don't know if I'll even be able to get back into the U of U/SLCC nursing program (one of the on going battles). So now I am taking the math class (we've learned about decimals, fractions, and percents so far - hard huh?), a nutrition class, modern dance, and a physiology lab (I've already taken the lecture, but I guess I have to have a lab for SLCC). So I'm busy with school this semester.
My next change is that I am changing jobs. I have been missing patient care a lot and since I'm not going to nursing school, I wanted to work full time. My current position will not allow me to go back to full time, so I talked to my old boss. I will be going back to being a Medical Assistant starting Sept. 2. Instead of working at the Madsen clinic where I did before, I will be working at the Sugarhouse clinic. It's about 5 miles closer to my house than Madsen, and I have a good friend there. I will miss not being at Madsen though because I already know how things work around there and I miss the people. I am just glad I could go back to patient care and full time work.
So other than that there are no other major changes. The baby continues to grow and we will be getting an ultrasound Sept. 8th to find out if it's a boy or girl . My morning sickness has finally decreased to the point where I can say it's almost gone (I still have problems maybe once or twice a week). And other than a cold I have been well. I do have the "pregnancy brain" so I forget a lot of things, so if I forget something that you are involved in, I'M SORRY! I really am trying to remember every thing.
Amanda was flipping through the channels last week and found "The Puppy Olympics" on animal planet. It was kind of a silly show with puppy's running around doing things, but Jewsbury loved it.
(PS. for anyone that has been to our house, you may notice that we painted and got baseboards up. Jeremy has been working hard around the house!)
This morning started nice and early with our dog, Jewsbury, and Jeremy's brother's dog, Roxy, fighting (aka playing) on our bed around 3 or 4 AM. Luckily I was able to go back to sleep just in time for my alarm to go off at 6AM. I had a training scheduled for this morning so I had to go in. I'll spare you the details, but just mention that I was also having my usual morning sickness.
Everything was ok until I was rounding the corner of I-215 by the 6200 S. exit. All of the sudden I hear a little pop and thud, thud, thud, thud. So I pull over to the shoulder, get out of my car, and discover that my passenger side rear wheel was totally shredded. (at least it was the passenger side so it was closer to the wall and further from traffic). I then start making phone calls to Jeremy to save me and try to get another one of the trainers to cover for me until I can get in. Jeremy said that he would cancel his physical therapy appointment (even though he was already there) and come save me. I got a hold of Heather to cover my training so I was lucky there too.
Jeremy was there before I knew it and started working on getting my spare on. As he was doing that, and I was watching, a highway patrol officer came up to see what was going on. When Jeremy saw him he told the officer that he is also an officer and is armed. The officer then said "That's good because I have a head start on you." I then said that I should get out of the middle of them and then the officer said that he doesn't ever leave witnesses. We all got a little giggle out of that one.
After all of that was done I started driving off and got a call on my cell phone. It was my best friend Laura. She had apparently just driven past me and had to call and check on me. I told her that it was ok and got to smile cuz she saw me.
I got to work as fast as I could to get to the training. By the time I got there I was only like 10 minutes late. I then see my boss, Lori, and Heather walking down the hall. Apparently Lori had scheduled the training for the wrong Monday, it's not until next Monday.
So after getting woken up by fighting dogs, having morning sickness, a tire blow out, having my life threatened by an officer and getting told I wasn't really supposed to be training today I think I have had my fill and am now ready to go back home for a nap. Oh, and did I mention that all of this happened before 8:30? This week isn't starting off well, hopefully it will get better!
I'm going to sleep. Don't wake me until Tuesday night :)
Amanda got her first ultrasound on thursday July 3rd. We found out that Becks is doing good. It is about 1 inch long with a heart beat of 171 per minute. Amandas expected due date is February 1st. If Becks comes on the 30th Becks will share a birthday with our nephew Josh. If Becks comes on the 2nd we have joking said we will name it Phil or Phyllis after Puxatony Phil the groundhog (since that is groundhogs day).
We were #5 out of everybody to pick our new seats for the new stadium. We chose Section 11 Row 1 Seats 12 and 13 :) this is me looking all official. They let us as Loyalists take a tour, fed us Cafe Rio and Fiji water, and let us be the frist to pick our seats. Ps the new stadium is amazing.
here is a link to the stadium seating
Tag, you're it!
The rules are as follows: List 3 Joys, 3 Fears, 3 Goals, 3 Current Obsessions/Collections, and 3 Random Surprising Facts About Yourself. Tag 5 people at the end of your post by leaving their names.
Three Joys
1. My family
2. intelligence
3. Helping people
Three Fears
1. loosing a family member
2. loosing my health/depending on other people to live
3. failure
Three goals
1. Have a baby
2. become a nurse
3. Be the best I can
Three current obsessions/collections
1. Real Salt Lake
2. Baby stuff
3. music
Three random surprising facts about me
1. I have a stumpy thumb
2. I was very blond when I was young
3. When I am eating, I don't like my food touching a different food
Tag, you're it! I tag:
1. Heather
2. Eric and Kristelle
3. Jesse and Natalie
So I had some hormone levels drawn the other day to make sure things are going well. It looks as though the original dates of how far along I am are about 2 weeks off. So it's kinda sad to think I was about 7 1/2 weeks, but now it's looking more like 5. Of course this is not official that I that far along - I haven't heard it from a doctor yet. So I guess this pregnancy will be a little longer than I was planning. Jeremy might actually get a baby for his birthday! I'm not going to change the countdown until I get the official word from the doc, cuz I don't want the picture to be ugly for another few weeks. (sorry if anyone doesn't like me saying the "parasite" is ugly)
Despite the surprise when I found out the big news, I was and still am very excited. I think this new addition to our family will be good. Here is a picture of the first test Amanda took.
For those of you who know my sister and brother in law (Nicole and Steve Larsen), they name their developing babies names. Before we got married Amanda was warned that if we didn't have a name for the baby Steve would come up with one (scary!!!) So while we were waiting at the hospital we decided on the name Becks or Beck. We thought this to be a good neutral name for a boy or a girl. For a boy it could be for Beckerman and Beckham (soccer players), or if it is a girl it could be for Becky. So yesterday little Becks turned 7 weeks old HOLY COW!
So for those who have not already heard or guessed by the countdown, Jeremy and I are expecting a baby. The due date is January 18th or 19th depending on which one you look at.
For the story now: Thursday I was not feeling the greatest with a low-grade fever and body aches. I left work early and decided to stop off at the allergist office to get my shot. One of the girls asked me if I was pregnant, and I said I didn't think so. But that got me thinking so when I got home I took a test and lo and behold, I'm pregnant. I went out to the kitchen were Jeremy was and told him that I have some potentially good or bad news. He got the most shocked look on his face. We decided that we would get a couple more tests to confirm - "out of the mouth of two or three witnesses" right? And the turkey timer says i'm cookin. We called our families and told them the good news
The rest of the night I was battling a fever. Since I knew I was pregnant I knew I could only take Tylenol and couldn't do much else. Once my fever hit 100.5 I told Jeremy to take me to the hospital (102 and it's REALLY not good for the baby). I told him to take me to Jordan Valley Hospital - even though I had heard bad stories, I was despirate. As they were checking me in they discovered that my temp was 101.3 or so. That got me more worried. After some fun experiences of creepy guys, telling the nurse what meds pregnant ladies aren't supposed to take, and a guy runny down the hall screaming "JOHN!" we finally got some answers - they confirmed I'm pregnant and that I had a virus. They said that I was also dehydrated so I'm working on that. I did get feeling a little better that night. We got to the hospital around 10PM and left around 2:30AM. Wow what a night.
I stayed home the rest of Friday so I could get some sleep. The rest of the weekend was spent trying to keep hydrated (which is more difficult than it sounds). To do that i've been drinking an average of over 4 liters (crazy huh?). If I start getting in the least bit close to being dehyrated I start getting sick. Other than that I think I have been pretty symptom free.
I think Jeremy and I getting more and more excited for this little surprise.
So today is the first day of the summer semester. I'm taking Pathophysiology, Pharmacology, and some general political science class. I got to see the syllabus for the Pharmacology and the political science -- I am going to have no free time. SO if you don't hear from me for a while, you'll know why. I will still get out every now and again for soccer games, and this semester is only until the first week of August. After that only 5 more semesters. (Yes, I'm already starting the countdown) Well, I should head off to bead since tomorrow is an early day. Have a great one!
SO... I was told that I need to put a new post up. On Thursday I got a call from my boss telling me that I was accepted into the nursing program. I will be starting May 14th (yeah short notice huh?). This is the first semester of the U of U/SLCC nursing school partnership. I will have to go to class one day a week all day. I'll be in school for 2 years, then i'll have my associates. So I'm supper excited.
This weekend Jeremy and I went to the RSL vs LA Galaxy game. I thought the game was very well played. I was worried with RSL's recent not-so-good performances that it would be a total blow out. It was a fun to see all of the people standing at the end of the game. I wish more people would stand and cheer. I got sick of all the people yelling at Beckham so they can get pictures. His 2 goals were impressive. A sideline ref called one of our players offsides after he scored the game winning goal. The goal was on the north side where we sit, so to say the least the ref got a lot of unfriendly comments. At the end halftime when the ref was jogging by us I told him my opinion of how he was doing his job (in family friendly terms of course). I know they always hear the comments, but the best part was that he actually looked at me and acknowledged that he heard me.
This weekend is another RSL home game vs FC Dallas (who is tied for 1st place in the western division). I hope ya'll can make it to this game!!
After creating this blog, I told Jeremy about it and he did the first few posts. I thought about doing a post a couple of times, but then I found something else (work or studying).
So currently I am working with the University of Utah as a computer trainer and going to school. I hope to be a nurse one day when I grow up :). I can't wait till i'm done with school, but that is still a while in the future.
Jeremy works as a deputy constable and serves court papers to people. Whenever I tell people what he does I tell them you don't wanna see him when he's working. Then I always get asked if he carries a gun - yes he does. He graduated from the U May 2007 with a bachelors in Business Administration. He still hasn't decided what he wants to do when he grows up.
Jewsbury is our "baby." He's a black mini schnauzer who joined our family in December. We got the name Jewsbury from a soccer player in the MLS. When I heard that name I asked Jeremy if we could name our first child Jewsbury. (Yes that is a joke) He told me that we couldn't, but he might consider it for our dog. We love watching games where the player, Jack Jewsbury, plays because our dog, Jewsbury, hears the announcer call his name and can't figure out who is calling him.
Well I think that is enough for now. Have a great morning, day, or night.
I can't believe you people let your kids watch this show, look how traumatising this is to Jewsbury LOL
You will need Quicktime player free download
There is a first time for everything we do in life, and this is my first time blogging. I have visited others blogs ( or and thought about doing one of my own, but I wasn't ever that motivated to start one. My beautiful wife sent me an invite to this blog, so here we go!