small update

Since it's been a month since our last post I thought that we'd update ya'll on what's going on with us....NOTHIN! that was fast, but I'm guessing you want some details.

Jeremy is doing a lot of the same... work. He's been covering a lot lately for other deputies that have taken time off so he has more than enough work to do. I am glad I have a husband who is willing to do some hard work. I have even been able to tell that Jeremy is excited for the baby. (Anyone that knows Jer knows that he doesn't show his emotions a lot.) He's been painting lots, doing research on what is safe for our baby, and I even made him go to Babies'R'Us and register for baby showers.

I am very excited and a bit scared for the baby to come. I went to a docs appointment this week and my doc told me that as long as I get to the week of Christmas, I can have the baby whenever he's ready. thanks. I want to wait until at least January, preferably mid to late January. (I know, I say that now...) I will be 32 weeks along tomorrow; and as of today we have 57 days till the due date. I have finally started showing enough that I am getting patients at work asking if I'm pregnant. They always look shocked when I tell them that I am 8 months along. Most people will say that I look like I'm 5-6 months, but that is changing quickly as I seem to be getting bigger by the second. Oh, and don't bother asking, we still haven't chosen a name. I have one last final to take this semester and I will be done. YAY!

Jewsbury is getting bigger, at least in his body. He still likes to chew on everything. A few weeks ago I think he was having some problems breathing so he decided to try to use my Albuterol inhaler I left on the table. (I know stupid me) He ended up puncturing a hole in the canister and releasing the entire thing of medication. We don't know exactly when he did this, but when Jer came home (yeah he beat me home) he noticed that the puppy wasn't acting like himself. He felt his heart and it was beating like mad. So Jer took him to a pet ER and they did some tests and said that he would be ok. We were able to take him home that night. It took him a few days to return to "normal" but I've noticed that he seems to be more calm. He's still the crazy puppy he was before, except he doesn't jump up on "strangers" as much anymore. I bet ya'll can imagine how bad I feel for leaving my medication out, but I'm glad he's doing better.

So that's about it with us. Hope ya'll have a happy holiday season!


Unknown said...

We want to see another picture of the pregnant Amanda!!! You'll know his name when you finally get to see his cute mug. Congratulations!!! (By the way, January 1st is a good birthday)

All our best

Unknown said...

I can't wait to get to Utah and to meet Jewsbury and to see you. It will be nice to not be doing 101 things for the wedding this time and we can just hang out!!!

Amanda said...

You are so close to the finish line. I can't wait to meet your little man. I am so happy to hear that jewsbury is doing better. Jer stopped by that night and we were worried about him.
Please let me know if there is anything I can do!