Last Saturday Amanda and I threw Brady & Amanda Flamm a welcome home party. We did some BBQ, had a potluck, played some Rock Band, and enjoyed some conversation. I apparently didn't charge my camera, so we only got 2 shots. It was a fun night but very stressful. To start the stress, I kept procrastinating on sending out the invitations until Tuesday the 23rd, only 4 days before the big night.
Amanda and I decided to cook some Rancheira Completa. It is a meat you get from a Mexican market that Eric Larsen cooks (very delicious). Since you get it from a Mexican Market I thought I would ask a girl from my work, who is part Mexican, where the best place to buy the meat would be. So Saturday afternoon I go out looking for the market she suggested but I cant find it. After about 20 minutes of driving I finally found it. I go through the market, back to the deli, and nobody speaks a lick of English. I tried to ask for the meat but the dude just looked at me funny. Luckily I had the name of the meat on my phone and so I showed it to him.
I got home from buying my meat and some drinks for the party, and our house was a complete mess. Jewsbury must have been watching Dora, because he decided to go exploring in our house, went into our computer room, and found Amanda's medical supplies for nursing school. When I got home they were scattered everywhere. Things were torn up, chewed up, an spit up. We weren't planning on having the party at our house but I didn't know if people would want to stop by after. So I hurried and cleaned up to the best of my ability with such time constraints.
Amanda picked up some extra hours up at the U registering people for a prenatal clinic and got home at like 5. The party started at 6 and we needed to make some chimi churi(?? on the spelling). It is some spices mixed with vinegar and oil that makes the meat taste better. So right about 5:50 we start heading over to our clubhouse. When we arrive we notice that the TV is missing. As most of you know we are big RSL and U of U football fans. The U has a game that starts at 6 and we don't want to miss it; even worse we don't want those party goers who wanted to see the game miss it. So I run home and get a TV out of our bedroom and bring it back only to find out that the clubhouse doesn't get any reception.
It is about 7 and the meat has been cooking for about an hour, when we realize we need some stuff from our house, (filtered water for those who don't want soda, salad tongs, some entertainment). I decided to grab Rock Band, a for sure party favorite, but earlier that day Jewsbury chewed on my spare XBOX cables that were sitting out, and my bedroom TV doesn't take HDMI. Luckily I have some VGA ones hooked to my PC monitor. After about 10 minutes of fighting trying to get them off they finally budge. I'm not sure how long I left the meat unattended, but I am very scared that the meat is probably burning, or even worse on fire, because it feels like it took me an eternity. When I get back It is starting to get dark outside and I cut the meat to see if its done, and as I fear it looks close to well done :( So I cut the meat up and bring it in. As soon as I get inside the meat magically turns rare ?WTF? don't ask me how, so everyone who was excited about dinner being ready has to again wait, luckily everyone is conversing. About 15-20 minutes later I take off the meat because it looks even darker then before, but it was a little to rare for my liking, but still good. From there on things were good. I put on Nemo for Millie, then when we finished eating Rock Band began. It was an awesome party, it appeared that everyone had fun:) especially Millie. She started playing the drums and it was the cutest thing ever.
When we were all done and on our way home Brady called to thank us and to let us know Millie said she had fun at the party, but was sad that the mean guy ate all the cupcakes.
Amanda got an ultrasound on Monday the 8th and we found out that Amanda's intuition was correct and Becks is a boy. I wasn't quite as connected as Amanda I guess. I originally thought it was a girl, then Amanda convinced me it was a boy, then on Saturday or Sunday night I had a dream that I was holding a girl.
I think overall I'm happy to have a boy first. He can protect and look out for his younger sister (one day). I will be able to have fun teaching him sports, video games, do sweet hairstyles like a mullet or fauxhawk, or some colors like when I was a younger, and how to be a man. (ok, full size adult child is more like it). I hope I can be half the father that mine has been to me. I hope I can teach Becks a few things about life and be there for him.
here is some Pict's of him. Becks Profile
Becks junk
"put your dukes up"
I got this in an email from my brother, and I know you will enjoy.