This morning started nice and early with our dog, Jewsbury, and Jeremy's brother's dog, Roxy, fighting (aka playing) on our bed around 3 or 4 AM. Luckily I was able to go back to sleep just in time for my alarm to go off at 6AM. I had a training scheduled for this morning so I had to go in. I'll spare you the details, but just mention that I was also having my usual morning sickness.
Everything was ok until I was rounding the corner of I-215 by the 6200 S. exit. All of the sudden I hear a little pop and thud, thud, thud, thud. So I pull over to the shoulder, get out of my car, and discover that my passenger side rear wheel was totally shredded. (at least it was the passenger side so it was closer to the wall and further from traffic). I then start making phone calls to Jeremy to save me and try to get another one of the trainers to cover for me until I can get in. Jeremy said that he would cancel his physical therapy appointment (even though he was already there) and come save me. I got a hold of Heather to cover my training so I was lucky there too.
Jeremy was there before I knew it and started working on getting my spare on. As he was doing that, and I was watching, a highway patrol officer came up to see what was going on. When Jeremy saw him he told the officer that he is also an officer and is armed. The officer then said "That's good because I have a head start on you." I then said that I should get out of the middle of them and then the officer said that he doesn't ever leave witnesses. We all got a little giggle out of that one.
After all of that was done I started driving off and got a call on my cell phone. It was my best friend Laura. She had apparently just driven past me and had to call and check on me. I told her that it was ok and got to smile cuz she saw me.
I got to work as fast as I could to get to the training. By the time I got there I was only like 10 minutes late. I then see my boss, Lori, and Heather walking down the hall. Apparently Lori had scheduled the training for the wrong Monday, it's not until next Monday.
So after getting woken up by fighting dogs, having morning sickness, a tire blow out, having my life threatened by an officer and getting told I wasn't really supposed to be training today I think I have had my fill and am now ready to go back home for a nap. Oh, and did I mention that all of this happened before 8:30? This week isn't starting off well, hopefully it will get better!
I'm going to sleep. Don't wake me until Tuesday night :)

Amanda got her first ultrasound on thursday July 3rd. We found out that Becks is doing good. It is about 1 inch long with a heart beat of 171 per minute. Amandas expected due date is February 1st. If Becks comes on the 30th Becks will share a birthday with our nephew Josh. If Becks comes on the 2nd we have joking said we will name it Phil or Phyllis after Puxatony Phil the groundhog (since that is groundhogs day).
